Andy Rooney once said:
One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly.
And I must say, I took his advise. I have let that mess stay through the year in my home.
OK, I guess now it is time for me to clear that mess, and prepare for Christmas so that we can re-create it again this Christmas!
May Peace be your gift this Christmas and your blessing all year through!
Have a Blessed Christmas!
Love, SAHM and all in her glorious home!
MERRY CHRISTMAS dearie. Peace unto your household and blessings too! Have a great time celebrating our Lord!
SAHM, here's also wishing you much love, peace, and joy... yes, more hahahas! in your home sweet home and here on your homepage also for us to share in :)
Blessed Christmas to you and your family!!!
(By the time you read this, maybe you'll have had the awesome lunch you've served up already and of course got to your messes b4 that. Now, what should I do with the year-round not just year-end messes in my home? Close both eyes? hahaha!)
May peace love joy hope and faith fill your glorious home this season and beyond!
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