Friday, February 13, 2009

A real soccer mum

I used to be one of those soccer mums - running all over, up and down, sending my children to and from classes, running to the shops and market and home.

But since the start of this year, I have become a REAL soccer mum. Since my son made it to his school soccer's team. Now, I even venture out to the outskirts of Singapore, and soccer fields!! Where ever his soccer games takes him ... and me included! All along a "katongite". I am now venturing further, to places which were once just names to me, all the way to other end of Singapore, which were previously totally alien to me. Like a soccer ball, I am rolling all over Singapore!

But you know what? I am the only soccer mum around. All the other supporters at the soccer matches are dads!!


TripleJin said...

Hahahaha..that's so funny! How come your hubs isn't taking him to his training??

stay-at-home mum said...

Becoz its on a weekday at 3pm!! Someone must work to bring home the bacon mah!! If not how to be tai tai!!

iml said...

An all rounder, that's what a Stay At Home Mum Is.

~Ling~ said...

Wow! What the men can do, we women can do it too(or even better!). =) Very soon you will be shouting "off side lah, Referee!" "Foul play!" etc. LOL

Here's wishing you and your family a Happy Valentine's Day!


stay-at-home mum said...

Ehh Iml, not that "round" la!

stay-at-home mum said...

Hi Jade
Actually, I have to restrain myself from shouting ... coz I have been watching soccer since I was 7 years old! An old hand at shouting (really! esp at the kids) .. but must control, or my son may not want me at the matches.

bp said...

Woo hoo! Go, SAHM, go!!!

NomadicMom said...

I have to say that I am quite happy that my kids are not THAT into Soccer. Cannot imagine going to matches all over the place and over the weekend. Aiyoooo

Stardust said...

Hahahah... your boy should be very proud of you! =D

FAD MOM said...

hehehe i can imagine Soccer Mom gets all the attention from the Soccer Dads.. *cheeky wink*

i don't think i'll ever be a soccer mom. no boys, and my eldest is not very much into balls... but i'll be a camper mom since she is in brownie..

this sat has World Thinking Day.. i'm getting my girl to join in for the experience. It will be at the Stadium. May be her only chance to go Stadium if they are still gonna open for events.
