Saturday, January 30, 2010

No mood

It's only 2 weeks to CNY, and I have yet to do ANY baking.

No pineapple tarts, no cookies of any sort!!



No mood, leh?

I think I need something to trigger it.

Or, maybe I am getting old, and the "novelty" of CNY is wearing off. Sigh!

Quick, someone! Send me some cookies or tarts to tempt my taste buds to get me into action!! !


iml said...

Going through the same feeling too. Novelty has worn off I guess.

Yan said...

Me too! I am even thinking my 9 days at home in Sibu shall be no-no to social visiting - no visitor, no visiting! I just want to rest, rest and I really do need more rest!

stay-at-home mum said...

For me, it could be the fear of putting on more weight!

Yan - for you I can understand - you have such a busy work life. You need the rest and time with the family.

Stardust said...

I guess the recent flights have worn you off?

Me too, no mood. Just want to rest, zzzzzzz...