There are different roles played by the different members in a family.
In my family, I am the chauffeur (on weekdays), grocery shopper, disciplinarian, time keeper, homework checker, and nutritionist ... in other words the nagger!
Hubby takes on the role of bread winner, and fun guy! Why? He brings home the bread and bacon, and does all the fun stuff with the children .... like playing badminton, soccer and chess with them. He brings them swimming, and when he goes to the supermart with them, they get to buy anything they choose (well, almost!)... like: candies, chips, cheese, and he is usually the one that buys the ice-cream home.
Me, on the other hand, is the one that tells them to study their spelling, do their homework, study for exams, dont waste too much time on the computer,pack their school bags, no rough play, stop fighting, not to eat too much candies, eat their fruits, eat their veggies, drink their milk, take their bath, brush their teeth, no breaking of rules, and GO TO BED!!
So in the eyes of the children, I could jolly well be the wicked step-mother, always telling them to do the things they HATE! I hardly play with them, and even tho' I am the swimmer in the family, I have been very lazy lately, not joining them for their swim many a times.
Does not look good, does it? How will my kids remember me next time? I dont know. However, the other day, I did something which I never thot I would. We were going around a round-a-about when my 2 older kids who were in the car with me said: "Go another round!!" Normally in my normal frame of mind, I wouldnt do it. "It's dangerous", that would have been my usual response to them. But that day, I dont know what got into me, but I went an extra round, at a fairly high speed, and the three of us in the car just went "WHEEEEEEEE!!" All the other drivers were a little puzzled as to why we went round 2 times!
Must say, the kids enjoyed that!! Guess, sometimes, I should just break the rules and have some fun with them, and not be so hung up about everything!!