Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all Mums!!

I received my Mother's day card from Little D early. She couldnt wait to give it to me!

Here's wishing all Mums a Happy Mother's day.

And the Quote of the Day for Mother's day is:


Mommy Lose Weight said...

happy mother's day to you! :)

just me said...

Blessed mother's day to you!

bp said...

And a big HUG for you, dearest SAHM, for being such a great mom and friend, the inspiration and encouragement you are to me and all the rest of us here with your sharing and caring!

What a lovely card D made for you (and she's sounding out her words, well done D, doing so well in her reading, writing, and drawing =)), and be sure to enjoy your Mother's Day with her, S, N!

Charmaine said...

Happy Mother's Day. Have a great day with your family.

Sasha Tan said...

happy mother's day to u too!

Stardust said...

Aww... she loves you...

The quote of the day is so clever! Is it just for mothers? ;P