Monday, June 20, 2011

Burnt toes

Yup, my husband has sun burnt toes. This was the result of too much sun when we were at Bintan.

I mentioned to him that it was very unusual for toes to get sun burnt, coz most of the time, our toes are in the water. And from all these years that I have known him, and the amount of time we had spent in the sun previously, he NEVER had sun burnt toes before. Other body parts yes, but toes - NEVER! So weird!!

Well, he replied: Previously my toes were always shaded by my tummy, now with my tummy gone, my toes get burnt!


ilene said...

Gee...that's a first - sunburnt toes?! And his reasoning is just classic! hahahaha ....

doc said...

don't burst his bubble - just agree with him.

iml said...

Burnt toes???

Unknown said...

I'm have to say I've had sunburnt toes as a kid. I remember Mum making me put sliced tomato on them to help soothe them. How embarrasing!

bp said...

Hohoho! Laughing together must be one of the secrets to your loving marriage :)

Speaking of tummies, let's let each other know if we hear anything from Stardust, thanks! Doubt she has sunburnt toes tho', she was looking so neat in her earlier photos ;p