Tuesday, September 9, 2008

She ate a story!

Every time at lunch, I will usually talk to my children about what happened at school that day. One day this transpired:

Me: Little D, what was for snack in school today?

Little D: I had pasta soup, and you know Mum, there were letters in there today.

Me: Letters or lettuce?

Little D: A, B, Cs MUM!

Me: Oh! You mean it was an alphabet pasta soup. Did you have a lot? Did you eat up D - __ - __ - ___? (spelling out the letters to Little D's name)

Little D: No Mum! There were so many letters I think I ate a whole story!

Guess that explained her inability to finish her lunch that day.


tasy said...

Ha ha.. that was so funny. Really tickles.

Yan said...

Children are really a wellspring of inspiration! And they are so pure!

Adults would have probably said - He eats his words! Oop... no child watching, I hope.

JK said...

Hahaha, a whole story! Love his description!

Stardust said...

LAUGHS... pure cuteness...

Little D and her innocent reply, what great wit she has actually! Kids are so amazing. This is truly one great post, hugs...

~Ling~ said...

LOL! That's a cute and witty answer little D had given.

bp said...

haha, clever d!

i've always wondered if d is deb, but if your no. of dashes is what spells her name, then maybe not... *scratch head some more* somehow i don't think d is short for dora! maybe you'll enlighten me someday ;p