Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The season of Lent will soon be upon us.

This year it starts on 5 March, which is one week away.

Lent is a 40 day period, in which Christians prepare for Easter. It is a penitential season marked by fasting. abstinence, prayer, and alms giving.

Every year, I abstain from meat on fridays during lent and I usually try to give up something I enjoy. So I am considering what to give up this year.

If it is something easy to do without, it doesnt become much of a sacrifice. So it has to hurt a bit for it to be meaningful.

Facebooking? Computer games? Chocolates? Desserts? What will it be?

I still have a week to decide.


Mayet said...

I love rice and pork so I gave up both a few years ago. It's really a nice feeling when you get to finish the whole 40 days. :)

stay-at-home mum said...

yes, Mayet, it is indeed a good feeling at the end of the 40 days.